Tim is an inspirational human. Not only becuase he will come and dance with me anytime I pull him up in front of a conference crowd, also because he has accomplished what most only dream about. Tim was able to work hard, retire by 40 and spent 10 years living BIG, extreme skiing 


I love Tim's story of humble beginnings, earning money and still living (financially) small, creating a name for himself, retiring, going on a journey of self-discovery and now growing his non-profit organization 1lifefullylived.org

Join us for an hour of wonder and curiosity of what made this man who he is today? I believe so much can be learned from others who have "achieved" what we want. Not only financial freedom, but the freedom to live our greatest adventure AND more importantly giving back and helping others achieve what we have. Tim is doing just that in so many ways.

He is inspirational to me, and he will be for you as well. 

Connect and Enjoy TIM RHODE