Matthew Duncan and I have know each other for a few years. He seems a bit shy, has glasses and lovely curly locks. He has a sweet smile and is someone who I am SO excited to have on my podcast. Matt marks the FIRST MALE interview (of course except for my husband, Charles on the show). 

February is MAN MONTH! I kick off this month of L O V E with Matt because he and I are on the same page when it comes to kids and giving them "good" stuff to do. AND because he wanted to be on my podcast! Thanks for that Matt! Matt began a fun journey because of his background, love of children, education and because it is something he feels passionately about, find out about The Upcycled Toys Club and be inspired to get more boxes and allow your kids imaginations to run wild.

What resources do you have that you can do a bit better in not "wasting"? What can you and I do on a daily basis to inspire the next generation to care about our earth?

I love this episode, and you will too! Please rate our podcast and share the love.