Brianna Greenspan is a single young gal. She has brown hair, wear glasses and is quite short and small. Looks can be deceiving. While she may look harmless, she has more courage and will say anything to anyone without fear! I love this girl!

Brianna and I knew of each other for years. It wasn't until she saw we were into stuff like "permaculture" that she said, "I MUST get to know Andrea." And get to know me she did. We connected at a conference last fall and we have been friends ever since. #1. Brianna is a loyal friend. #2 She goes above and beyond for those friends. #3. She will not rest until she, you, or both of you together ensure the success you ( and she ) seek. 

Brianna has a connective tissue disorder since birth. This has been a big struggle which has caused her much pain. At one point the doctor gave her a RX and a wheelchair (no kidding). Join us as we AFFIRM our way into her coloring book and more! See why affirmations have played and continue to play an enormous roll in her life....even in Australia. 

Good Vibes, XO
