Part 1

This one is sticky for me. Charles and I discuss belief systems and how many of us there are that live our lives in accordance to how we were raised. Charles and I were both raised LDS, aka Mormons. This is our story and what we have to say about this never ending topic.

Detaching from beliefs that do not serve our highest good.

I have the upmost respect and love for the way in which I was raised and the connections I have and the person I have become, because of my upbringing. Since life is about being true to who we are as individuals and finding our own way, our own truths and THE truth, this is a small part of our journey and this thing we call life. 

Intent = to be open and honest with who we are, where we are at, and what we believe so that others may be inspired to live their life open, honest, without judgement and with the understanding that we are each creators of our days, our years, our lives and our world. Much love and good vibes to all y'all no matter your religious beliefs, or that lack thereof. There is no judgement, I wasn't built that way.