HealthHacks is a 30 day challenge. These short 15 min. podcasts are designed to inform and educate you through 30 consecutive days of your Health Journey!

Welcome to the HealthHacks series where Charles and I take you on a 30 day challenge with the intent of gaining more energy, health and Amazingness for your body and life! We quickly dive into key factors of health and what really matters i.e. gut health vs loosing weight by dieting. We must understand more about our bodies and minds. I know this will benefit you and I know this will be worth every download and minute. I know because these truths have changed my life.

When we have more energy we are able to live life better, play with our kids more, say no to things that don't matter and yes to the activities and people that do! 

This episode is about What NOT to eat and why. 

We are about truth and true health. If we look good in 6 months and have made way to many sacrifices to do it then we have missed the boat and our body and mind will pay the consequence.

Learn how to melt away the unwanted body fat, gain the body and mind you want and desire by focusing on these key life style changes. They will make all the difference for you and your family in 1 month, 1 year and in 10 years.

Episode #2 we dive into sugar.