Hey gym hackers, welcome back to gym hacker radio episode 003! in this episode I am going to start off where the last episode ended I’m going to share with you an epiphany I had when my gym was struggling that changed everything   This all came to me at the worst of time, I was about to sell, my wife was pregnant, we were about to deplete what savings we had left to pay for groceries and our monthly living expenses.   This gym had literally crushed my hopes...   So let me take you guys back in time... I was sitting in a CrossFit level 1 coaches course for renewal so I could keep my affiliate renewal …   running numbers in my head (as I tried to figure out how much money the instructor was making per hour.) Best I could figure, she was making about fifty maybe sixty thousand per year. Needless to say I was “bored to death!” (I had done this course years before) … So, with ninja like stealth … I reached in my backpack and pulled out the “how to” book I had bought just two days earlier. This was a book on business growth strategies I paid $97 for that book (and the video that accompanied it) … and in my opinion …it was worth “ten-times that much!” Why did I think that? Because I knew that the guy who wrote it was making $10,000 per day growing his business … day in and day out … and he’d been doing that for a very long time. So, I ran my hand across the cover …   down the spine … then flipped through the pages (not reading mind you) …   I was just thinking. I began to run some numbers in my head … at $97 per book I figured he was making almost $10 grand a day Which is pretty close to a $4 million dollar per year business which is insane!   But what’s even crazier than that …   is that the guy only spent a few days writing the book and recording the video … and when he was done he NEVER had to write it again!!! The book grew his tribe and community for him!   He was able to create it once and he kept getting paid for it over and over again!   That’s when I realized that I didn’t want to sell gym memberships with pretense that I had to service my members by coaching every class and deliver the lackluster fitness experience only a tired, stressed, overwork gym owner could provide. I'd been treating my members like this trainer was teaching us to do in the seminar … I wanted to serve my members like this author … And so that’s what I did. And so I started grow my gym in way that allowed me to empower to people who's only desire is to be passionate coaches …   ...and focus on providing a world-class fitness experience like no other from the top down. This allowed me to move myself out of the low value roles in my business and into the attractive character role that allowed me to create dream members.   It started a movement towards rebuilding my gym in a way that made me a leader of a tribe that told EVERYBODY and got me $10 for every $1 I spent. and over the next eleven months or so … I had made over two hundred thousand additional dollars!…   and within a year after that the gym had made almost a $500,000 dollars revenue! And we are on track for a one million dollar run rate by the end of 2019 plus I hear it repeatedly from my staff and members how we run an amazing business.   So now I get to LOVE MY GYM again, in fact, that's why I still own it! I get to change lives and have huge impact daily...   ...without having to do the dirty work.     And what’s cool is that I accomplished this by simply focusing on ONE thing …     which was by replacing and multiplying myself  and my knowledge the right way! Most of it I acquire from investing and trusting people who had done it before me and allowing them to coach me     So let me ask you a question…. Would you like to know how I did that?   ok cool,   that will show you how I took about a hundred dollars …and transformed the simple idea I had … into a Million-dollar-a-year “Big Little Gym" Success! https://biglittlegyms.net/beta-application Go check it out, and let me know what you think.   Thanks!   -Will "Big Little GymS" Hurst —