This goes back to when I went all in and opened Spark CrossFit. On one hand I felt excited while on the other I was feeling a lot of uncertainty and angst. That is when I made a HUGE shift and discovery...

My discovery increased my gyms revenue by over two hundred thousand dollars in less-than a year....

....and now we are over $600,000 of run-rate in 2019 and the gym is now fully staffed with a team of 11 awesome coaches, with an overhead of ONLY $21,259 (that’s last months number)

Would you like to know the method I discovered? Are you interested to know how I was able to put this into action and get started with an immediate 10x return on just a couple hundred dollars spent?

We share how you can apply the same shift and we share how we came to help gym owners like you find your “weirdos”. So that you can better serve your audiences and tribes and members.

Enjoy and tune back in for episode 003 of Gymhacker Radio Podcast!