Stay focused on the goal. Leave no room for distractions. Today, Alex (@AlexHormozi) talks about why you should avoid opportunities that are potential distractions to your growth, not needing a fancy play to be successful, and stop thinking you are going to outcompete other people.

Welcome to The Game Podcast where we talk about how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, and keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons we have learned along the way to $100M in sales. We've got roll-up-your-sleeves kind of hustle with a little bit of cleverness and a lot of heart.


(1:17) - Just like in The Matrix, there are so many “women in the red dress” that are distractions & new opportunities. You have to learn how to say no to these the more you accelerate in your career, no matter how attractive they are

(3:42) - Success comes down to doing the obvious thing for an uncommonly long period of time without convincing yourself, you're smarter than you are.

(7:23) - You have to switch from new to better because the innovation already happened when you got the product market fit.

(10:28) - People allocate tons of attention, and tons of time to new strategies, new ideas, etc., rather than making the obvious truth. 

(14:13) - You don't need to have any fancy play to be successful. You just have to be willing to get consistent yardage. 

(16:12) - It is arrogant to believe that you are going to outcompete other people who are fully focused on one thing when you are split on five.

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