Host Koji Steven Sakai talks to his friend and mother Tara Cloud Clark. Tara talked about the importance of setting boundaries, being an English Major, and more. Listen to the whole episode to hear all of Tara’s advice.

Also, since this podcast has become monthly (instead of weekly), the episodes are now being edited and mixed! Hope you enjoy the new and improved audio! 


Tara Cloud Clark is hard-working, organized, and enthusiastic to tackle new challenges. Her background includes project management, grant management, event management, corporate communications, grant writing, and web content development. She has worked in multiple sectors including design, manufacturing, nonprofit, and education. Her goal is to improve efficiencies and complete the task in order to make her clients/employers successful. To find out more about Tara go to her website at And be sure to follow her on Instagram at 

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Koji wanted to impart all of his "wisdom" to his son. But of course, his son already thinks he knows more than me. So instead of trying to tell him now and having it go in one ear and out the other, he decided to record them here with the hopes that maybe... just maybe... when he's ready he'll listen to his advice in the future and not make the same stupid mistakes he did. He'll also bring on guests to impart their advice as well.  Koji has no doubt their advice will be better than his.