In this episode of Gutsy Health, we talk about why it is that we recommend animal products. We know that there is no perfect diet for anyone out there. In this episode we explain what works for us and maybe that doesn’t work for others and that’s great. We talk about sources and the need of protein to help our body heal. We talk about some of the typical arguments against eating meat and what research we have found supporting otherwise.

Introduction 0:15
The Standard American Diet 16:12
Where Should Meat Fit in? 28:38
Cutting out Meat 42:03
Protein Sources 47:37

“I get a few people that have said, ‘Well when I cut out meat, I felt so much better.’ but what did they cut out at the same time? Did they cut out meat and grains? Did they cut out meat, grains and sugar? Did they cut out all processed foods and meat and grains and sugar? So then cutting out the meat is associated with their healing.” 42:06

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