Get a fresh perspective on your health and physical goals, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. If you feel like you’ve tried everything (or way too many things), this show is a must-listen. 

Tyler is a recovering dieter, a health coach, and founder of Radically Transformed Coaching. His mission in life is to help chronic dieters ditch their diets for good so they can live happy healthy lives.

Quotes to remember: 

“To create sustainable, long-term, healthy habits and goals, your health always has to remain a priority.”

“Everybody can be whoever they want.”


Love yourself and your body now, rather than when you lose/gain ___ poundsSelf-love is a muscle that can grow with time and practiceHow we eat tends to be habitualHeath and weight loss are not instant thingsYou don’t really change; you become more in tune and aligned with who you already arePeople are afraid to stand out and they want to fit in and so they adhere to society’s standardsMost people stay stuck because they’re unwilling to allow themselves to feel and processWhen you come at weight loss from a place of love, it is much easierNot everyone is ready for transformationDieting is designed to fail

What you’ll learn:

The biggest misconceptions about dietingHow to ditch the numbers when it comes to losing weight and feeling good about your bodyWhat Tyler learned when he lost fifty pounds and then was derailed by discovering his parents’ meth addictionHow he overcame his lifelong belief that he was “the fat kid on the playground”What to do when you’ve held onto shame and self-pity for a long timeHow weight loss is about more than just the bodySome of the principles of intuitive eatingHow to know you’re ready for change

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