Stuck and burnt out. This is all too common an experience in our society. What would happen if you took a step back and listened to not what others want for you, but what you want for yourself? Listen to Sandy’s personal journey as she gets in touch with her true self and how she found and pursued her calling. Allow it to inspire you to do the same for yourself.

Sandy is a meditation teacher, self-care practitioner, and intrapreneur who is committed to helping others trailblaze the path to their highest expression through self-care. She is the founder of the Prosperous: School of Self-Realization, a 90-day program teaching burnt out leaders how to redesign the unconscious mind and access their field of limitless potential.

Quotes to remember: 

“No outfit that I put on made sense to me.” 

“When we can recognize that the comments that they make and the criticism that we’re facing are actually creating more space for us to get to know ourselves at a deeper level, and seek to understand ourselves, that’s really where the deepening of that relationship happens and you begin to know yourself.”


When you ask a question within yourself, you are able to receive the answer from within tooWhat if everyone around you is already perfect and already whole?Self-care is being self-awareThere is a difference between vital energy and forced exertionYour destiny is created by a series of decisions in the moment; start with one different decisionBurnout and adrenal fatigue are created by a back-and-forth inefficient energyThink about what you need first, not your family or anyone else around you; you’re not here to save anybodyWe are constantly facing ego death in our livesIf you’re not seeing it in the world, you must become it

What you’ll learn:

Everything that led up to Sandy’s spiritual awakening and the death of her egoWhat it was like for her to come back to a place where people knew her as the old SandyHow she describes meditation--not as sitting down with your eyes closed in a templeWhat to do when you feel like you’re treading water or unfulfilledHow to tell when your energy isn’t in the right placeHow Sandy’s identity as multiracial and a child of immigrants has affected her experiencesWhy ego is your friend, not your enemyWhen Sandy decided to follow her calling as a meditation teacher, and how sexual molestation played a role 

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