Speaking our truth is the most important work we can do in our lifetimes. Find out why and how to do so in this episode. Plus, discover how our voice connects to our presence and authenticity and what it can reveal about yourself. This show is a must-listen for anyone who feels like they don’t have a voice, are unheard, or want to reclaim their truth.

Elissa is a voice and presence coach, and the founder of Voice Body Connection. After suddenly losing her own voice at age 21, Elissa began studying the mechanics of voice. Over time she developed a unique approach that empowers performers, leaders, and speakers to optimize their voices and share them more authentically.

Quotes to remember: 

“Not only was I not allowed to talk, but I didn’t know how to talk about what had happened to me.”

“The impulse for expression is in every cell of our body.”

“Mastery of anything is about doing the necessary and releasing the excess.” 


Being good can be damaging too, to fit within a good-bad paradigmWe had our intuitive ways of understanding the world and creating, before we were provided a system and structuresWe warm up to check in with our body and nervous systemAsk yourself: Am I doing what I’m doing with an economy of effort?All physical issues have their roots in mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects because you cannot separate these aspectsYou are meant to vibrate at your authentic energyCreativity is less creating and more receivingWe have been living in a capitalistic acquisitional culture that says that what you want is over there, rather than the truth that it is right hereAuthenticity is asking yourself “what’s here?”

What you’ll learn:

How and why Elissa lost her voiceWhat it means to have a voice on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levelsHow Buddhist principles weave into using our voice and creatingWhat it means to have an authentic voicePointers on how to cultivate your authentic voiceA practice on how to trust and yield to what isHow to get in touch with what you’re feeling and to be present with the Voice Body Connection process

Mentioned on the podcast: 

https://www.voicebodyconnection.com/Untamed - Glennon DoyleFind Your Voice Speak Your Truth podcastVirginia RosenbergBig Magic - Elizabeth GilbertFind Your Voice, Speak Your Truth mini-course






Elissa's FREE Masterclass: Why We Freak Out on Camera + How to Solve It