We all have it. That savage voice in our heads that tears us to shreds and never stops no matter what we do to please it. It’s time to learn about how to take power away from that inner critic because doing this will change our lives.

Michelle is a confidence & leadership coach and a negative self-talk expert. She grew up permanently disabled as a result of a hit-and-run car accident, and her life hit rock bottom in 2016 because of the narrative of shame and unworthiness that controlled her life. Her journey of letting go of self-doubt and judgment led her to now help others reclaim their power and find clarity in their lives.

Quotes to remember: 

“Instead of seeing it as a limitation, I see it as a possibility.” 

“The more you want to get rid of something negative, the more power you’re giving to it.”


You don’t need to take things personally; validate your feelings and have compassion for yourselfYour mind will believe anything you continue to tell itFear is there to protect usWhen you have had enough, things will start to changeJust because you don’t see your supporters doesn’t mean they don’t see youConfidence comes from experienceSuccess is not a mile marker; success is a daily feelingWho do you want to show up as? 

What you’ll learn:

What Michelle’s rock-bottom looked like, and when she realized everything needed to changeHow to address and respond to negative self-talkHow to change your self-limiting beliefsWays to separate yourself from your inner critic and to take the power away from the criticWhat inspired Michelle to create big change in her lifeAbout the two different types of confidence, and why people confuse the twoWhat self-leadership is and how to get itHow to live by your valuesWhat most people do wrong when making a vision board

Mentioned on the podcast: 

https://elevatelifecoaching.org/The Secret



