We all carry shame and fear. We hide from it. We may even trick ourselves because of it. Let Michelle’s story inspire the courage within you to face yourself. Let her journey shine a light on how deserving of love you are.

Michelle lost her husband to suicide 14 years ago. She hid the truth about his death for over 10 years out of shame and fear of stigma. Now she has turned her pain into purpose by speaking publicly about her journey through healing and coaching others who live with mental health challenges and loss.

Quotes to remember: 

“Carrying a lie that big has an impact on us.”

“I had to grieve all the things I didn’t give myself permission to grieve.”

“When we are shame-driven, we just keep doing things that we’re ashamed of.”

“Fear is a liar.”


Shame and deceit grow over timeTrauma is stored in the body; talk therapy only takes us so farOur self-worth is tied up into the stories we have been telling ourselves of who we areYou can’t stop anyone from dying; you are playing god if you act otherwiseSome people spend their whole lives trying to make other people happyYou don’t need to accept anything as “the way it is”—it’s your choice toConfronting our shadow is at once painful and liberatingYou have permission to say, “I don’t want to live in this old story anymore”Your community are people who support you and want you to be happy and freeThere is no timeline for grieving; grief is the truest form of surrender; the tears will endTreat yourself as a loving parent treats a child

What you’ll learn:

How Michelle found herself lying about her husband’s deathWhat compelled her to tell the truth and face the shameHow an unhealthy relationship manifested due to her lack of self-worthWhat it takes to develop self-love when you don’t have muchWhat happened when Michelle broke the news to her teenage children, a decade laterWhy so many of us play small and play the martyrHer process of forgiving her familyThe hidden opportunity in griefHow to quickly tell when you are not living aligned with your values and are betraying yourselfHow to be discerning in relationships, and more importantly why

Mentioned on the podcast: 

https://www.michelleanhangcoaching.com/Maya AngelouBrené Brown





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