Get the practical tools you need to reprogram your mind for positivity and productivity. In this episode we discuss ways to build habits that last, creating an abundance mindset, and increasing self-confidence, along with a list of empowering questions that you can ask yourself in the face of any challenge.

Jacob is an NLP and mindset coach, author, and motivational speaker. After his son Scott passed away February 2016, his world came crashing down. He learned how to turn negative experiences into a positive outcome, and now he teaches others how to do the same and transform their lives.

Quotes to remember: 

“What good is here that I cannot see?”

“You don’t get energy; you generate it.”


Ask empowering questions that help you look for the good in the situationA small shift in language can make a big differencePeople want you to succeed, but they don’t want you to changeWrite down everything you want without limiting yourselfStart small when building habits, visualize the outcome, and ask yourself “is it worth it” when faced with a choice that runs against your goalYou don’t need to be so tied to current circumstances

What you’ll learn:

About Jacob’s experience with a stillborn sonWhat commonly holds people back in making a change in their livesWhy we have false starts where we start something and don’t finishThe wrong and right way to have a gratitude journalAbout the D.R.E.A.M. model for achieving goalsWhat Jacob’s morning routine looks likeThe easiest way to build self-confidence

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