Rob attempted suicide in 2018. When he woke up (to his surprise), everything changed. Listen to his story of what went wrong and what he does now to feel fulfilled and happy.

Rob is an author, coach, and speaker. He helps high-achieving professionals and working parents find personal and professional fulfillment now, rather than delaying happiness.

Quotes to remember: 

“You start to achieve excellence or achievement in your profession as a way to complement or supplement a deficiency that you have from true emotional reward.” 

“Somebody knew my deepest, inner secret, which was I wasn’t living the life that I wanted to live.” 


“I just got to get through this” is a sign that what you’re doing isn’t the right fit for youBeing good at something is not ultimately fulfillingThings can change very quickly without a lot of effortTry to find the true goal within your tangible goalsIf you’re seeking love, an A+ feels like love; achievements are often antidotes or anti-inflammatories for emotional acheWhen we fear something, we really fear painWhen you are passionate about what you do, you are tireless

What you’ll learn:

How Rob turn the wrong turn in his life and went into finance instead of art, his true callingThe tools to properly identify your callingCommon mistakes people make when they are dissatisfied and want to make a changeHow to address the critical and fearful voices in and around usWhat led to Rob’s suicide attempt in 2018, and what he did upon waking up to reinvent himselfThe three essential daily habits that provide you with emotional and mental nutrients that don’t come from any other sourceHow Rob relates to his family now that the structure has been dissolved

Mentioned on the podcast:



