With the Delta variant on the rise, it's been highly requested to do another episode on online dating and how to navigate it, so I'll be answering some of your questions!

Online dating can be so overwhelming with endless options of people. A lot of times, we go into it when we're not ready, which can make things even worse. 

Not to mention, we're inundated with zero to low effort guys sending nothing but 'how r u' or 'nice smile'. 

But don't worry, in this episode I'm breaking down:

What questions to ask yourself before going into online dating so you can be crystal clear about what you're looking for How to filter out the low effort guys and focus your attention on high quality men so you don't waste your time Getting your mindset right and your life in order before online dating so that you feel fully confident and ready to dive in Work with Melissa

Book a call with Melissa: https://melissa-leger.mykajabi.com/workwithme

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Follow Melissa on Instagram: @themelissaleger