Today I am joined by Ed Tronick PhD and Claudia M. Gold MD who are Authors of a new Book - The Power of Discord. Ed is a developmental neuroscientist and clinical psychologist, Claudia is a practitioner in general and behavioural paediatrics, and author of a number of books on the subject.

Discord and disagreement is a fundamental part of the human experience and non more so than at this time in history - no one likes to be in conflict with another person or group but my discussion with today's guest sheds some interesting light on the beneficial nature of discord.

I delve into the famous still face experiment with Ed and Claudia and find out how 'mismatch and repair' are fundamental to our development, experience and the meaning we attach to the world around us. Far be it from being a bad thing, discord conducted in the right way can be a powerful way to unify us as human beings.

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