Understand your system as Shiva (Consciousness) and Shaki (Energy). Root yourself back in Shiva so that you can regulate Shakti in you. In absence of that, you are thrown here and there in life with the power of shakti.


To apply for joining our meditation community, please write me an email ([email protected]) introducing yourself, your interest in the community and what can you give back to the community.

Join me in a 30 min meditation session every day at 7 AM CET on my website: www.dhyanse.com/live


Each session is unique, starts with a 15 min discourse, followed by 15 min Guided Meditation.






I am Dhyanse, a Meditation Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.

My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


More on my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/






Latest Book - 10 Meditations on LOVE & LAUGHTER - https://amzn.to/2SmhDMC

‍ Meditation Cushion - https://dhyanse.life/