If there was one word to summarize meditation, that is - WITNESSING!

As you tune into what I am sharing, be the witness right now. Become suddenly aware of your body, mind, energies and everything that you call as youself. And maintain this continuity of WITNESSING.

Out of the witnessing, all wisdom of life emerges. All that you want to know, that you can know and you ever wish to know is there in WITNESSING.

Witnessing keeps you disidentified. Buddha, Krishnamutri, Osho and every other master took the effort to get you to a place of continuous witnessing. So that you remain disidentified with the world around you. It was not a teaching, rather a technique.

Take a few minutes to learn and practice Witnessing with me using this meditation session.

Remain awake, remain aware,

For Spiritual Consultation, Retreats, Meditation Teacher Training and more, check out my website: https://www.dhyanse.com/






I am Dhyanse, a Spiritual Master with a contemporary approach to Yoga, Zen and Tantra. I live in Switzerland/Germany area since 2008 and bring the authentic art of meditation from India to the western world.


My work on Meditative Wisdom is a tribute as well as a succession to the contributions by Osho, Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Shivananda, Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Maharishi Ramana, Papaji and many more...who transformed my life in the first place.


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