This week on Open Sources Guelph we have to say goodbye to the 2019 Federal Election as an ongoing story. With five days to go before Election Day, we will welcome the last of our local candidates in the form of Liberal Lloyd Longfield, and then we'll look back at the election issues we've missed, and then we'll look ahead to how they might affect the final vote. Oh, and read to the very end to found out the best way you should spend Election Night. (Hint: it's not watching CBC!)

This Thursday, October 17, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Longfield's Deeds. As the Liberal MP for Guelph, Lloyd Longfield has spent the last four years representing the Royal City in Ottawa, but he's part of a 26-year Liberal dynasty here, which makes it hard for him, in theory, to make a convincing case for Guelph voters to stay the course. Or does it? Why fix what's not broken, right? That's what Longfield is betting on when it comes to the votes of the Guelph electorate, and we'll talk to Guelph's current MP about all the work he'd done, all the work he has left to do, and what he wants to do with another four years in Ottawa.

We've Got 5 Days On It. It's been a couple of weeks since we've got the chance to talk about the bigger, national campaign issues, and there's a lot to dissect in the last, spare 25 or so minutes that we have before Election Day. From the last minute revelation of platforms, to the rumour-mongering and fake news-making, to the security threats against the prime minister, there's still a lot of news to cover. And what about the results? Are we really heading towards a minority government, and what kind of minority will it be? Or maybe we won't talk about that, since we're not in the prediction business anymore.

Programming Note: CFRU will be going live on Election Night with results from coast to coast to coast. Tune in from 7 pm to 12 am on CFRU 93.3 fm or!

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.