This week on Open Sources Guelph, we don't do summer fun, we do serious issues. One the one hand, there's a refugee crisis in Toronto that no one has an explanation for, and on the other hand you have a presidential candidate saying crazy things, and you can't call him a Republican this time. We're serious on local news too, and one of our friends from city council is stopping by to lend a first-person view on big issues facing our city hall right now.

This Thursday, July 13, at 5 pm, Scotty Hertz and Adam A. Donaldson will discuss:

Gimme Shelter. It's not an usual site to see people experiencing homelessness on the streets of Toronto, but it is kind of weird when all of those people are 1) concentrated in front of one shelter, and b) are actually asylum seekers who were referred to that one shelter to get help. What the hell went wrong? That's a question that a lot of people want answers to as the blame game between the various levels of government has given way to some temporary solutions, but what about permanent ones?

Bobby Pinhead. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a famous name, and it's probably for that reason alone that this man has been allowed to get away with vaccine hesitancy and conspiracy theories for this long. But he stepped in it this weekend when he was caught on tape suggesting that COVID-19 was designed to infect White and Black people and not Chinese or Jewish people. Even his sibling couldn't ignore his blatant flirtation with anti-Semitism, so is this end of RFK Jr's White House run?

Yes We Ken. Guelph City Council is about to wrap up for the rest of the summer, but you'd have a hard time arguing that anyone at 1 Carden Street is slacking off right now. There was a double-header at council last week, there was a double-header at council this week, and there's a lot of unfinished business from Committee of the Whole to deal with next week. To help us sort all that out today is Ward 6 Councillor Ken Yee Chew, who will tell us about progress on housing and other issues before the horseshoe.

Open SourcesĀ is live on CFRU 93.3 fm andĀ at 5 pm on Thursday.