As you may know, Ontario has set the goal of building 1.5 million houses by 2031, and Guelph’s share is 18,000, but there’s a difference between setting a goal and having the means to reach it. One of the people that's been trying to promote that idea is a man named Mike Moffatt. You might have heard have him. Certainly everyone concerned about housing in Ontario has!

Dr. Mike Moffatt is the Senior Director of Policy and Innovation at the Smart Prosperity Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Business, Economics and Public Policy group at the Ivey Business School at Western University. He was a special presenter at a Guelph city council meeting in February before our city council signed the housing pledge, and offered some interesting insights into the process and the challenges.

Moffatt explained to council that the 1.5 million target for Ontario is about right, but he also wondered if it was a bit on the low side too. He pointed out that Ontario’s never built more than 850,000 homes in a 10-year span. He noted that the issues with housing are multifaceted and multi-level, and that they're issues that the municipality can’t resolve alone no matter how many legislative changes that the Government of Ontario passes.

This is where we pick things up on this week's podcast. Moffatt will talk about whether any municipality will be able to achieve their housing pledge, and whether they’ve been set up to fail. He will also talk about the role of developers in reaching the pledge, and the role of other groups like upper levels of government and post-secondary institutions. And finally, he will discuss why the lack of mobility in the market is a big problem, and how we can address housing needs now.

So let's talk housing with the Housing Guru on this week's Guelph Politicast!

You can learn more about the work of the Smart Prosperity Institute at their website. You can follow Mike Moffatt on social media at "MikePMoffatt" on Twitter to get insights daily. As for Guelph, you can watch Moffatt’s presentation at the February 28 meeting of city council, and you can follow this link to find the City of Guelph’s story map about housing in the city.

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