In this episode, the panel shares it's thoughts on device life cycles, how to buy and sell, extend their life and more!

GTDJedi Show Notes

Episode #: 27

Date: 03/28/17

Hosts: Clay Russell, Jerry Goldbaum & Timothy Broder


Jedi Tricks from Around the Web (check out our website for links to all these GTDJedi Tricks)

If you, our listeners, have at trick you would like to share with us, simply tweet us @GTDJedi.


The Big Discussion

Device Cycles (How long do we hold onto our devices?





Cost vs. Features: How do you know when it is the right time to make a purchase?

Do you buy refurbished? The pros and cons?

How to maximize the life out of your devices?

Payment plan vs. outright purchase? Which is best for you?

Best way to get rid of your old device?


Jedi Weapons of Choice

Clay - AT&T Next Plan

Jerry - Gazelle

Tim - Verizon Edge (or whatever they call it now)


Bantha Fodder (apps deleted from our devices)

Clay - No fodder :)

Jerry - Stagehand

Tim - Yahoo Finance    


Counsel from the Council (listener feedback segment)

@Lavan1234 Gents! Any thoughts about the task app  ?  Not initially intuitive (IMO), but once U got it, ...


How to Reach Us

Where you can reach the GTDJedi Order

Clay - @clayrussell

Jerry - @JNGold on twitter, blogs on

Tim - @timothybroder


In Closing

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The rest of the network


We thank you all for listening and remember, with a little training, anyone can be on their way to becoming a GTDJedi. Goodbye!






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