Improving Board Engagement and Performance

Find out why it is important to set a higher standard of stewardship for navigating future challenges.

Discover key strategies to keep board members engaged between meetings with technology for continuous communication.

Ensure board meetings are productive and focused on strategic decisions rather than administrative details.


Foresight and Future-Oriented Governance

Understand the concept of the duty of foresight for board members. Learn why boards need to adapt and continuously rethink their purpose and approach to overcome emerging challenges.

Learn to foster a culture of learning, and engage in continuous improvement practices for long-term success.


Recruitment, Onboarding, and Board Composition

Learn how to assemble the board with the right mix of skills and perspectives.

Explore strategies to maintain continuity and building a cohesive board culture despite changes in board composition.

Encourage the use of technology, including AI, to streamline board operations and improve efficiency. Find out the ethical considerations in technology adoption board members should identify and resolve.


Board’s Role in Membership Engagement and Technology Adoption

Enhance the role of the board in supporting strategies for member engagement, and leveraging membership management systems to automate and enhance engagement efforts.

Why the board plays a critical role in ensuring aligning technology adoption with the organization’s mission and ethical standards.

Special acknowledgement to our guests for providing powerful insights into membership management. 

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