1. Crafting a Winning Member Engagement Strategy:

Navigating Challenges: The landscape of member engagement is evolving, presenting new challenges. The solution lies in a dual focus on delivering value and implementing effective engagement strategies.Diverse Engagement Tactics: Acknowledge the diversity within your membership, including those not fully embracing technology. Initiate a volunteer journey, starting with smaller roles, to cultivate engagement.

2. Corporate Sponsorship Unveiled:

Strategic Approaches: Moving corporate members into sponsorship programs requires a nuanced strategy. Understand their unique goals, involve them in the decision-making process, and gradually progress sponsorship levels.Customization is Key: Recognize that corporate goals evolve. Tailor engagement for sponsors, offering customized opportunities that align with their shifting objectives.Inclusive Conversations: Break away from traditional sponsorship models. Engage sponsors in meaningful conversations, making them integral to strategic planning and committees.

3. Unraveling Member and Sponsor Objectives:

Qualitative Research for Members: Dive deep into member experiences through qualitative research. Understand their challenges, goals, and preferences to create tailored programs that add significant value.Strategic Business Alignment: For sponsors, inquire about their business objectives, marketing goals, and preferred outreach methods. Align association offerings with their unique needs.Beyond Traditional Models: Shift the conversation beyond traditional sponsorship. Explore innovative, customized opportunities that cater to sponsors' evolving goals.

4. Navigating the Technology Landscape:

Challenge Assumptions: Rethink assumptions about member technology use. Bridge gaps by meeting members where they are, and employ a multichannel approach.Seamless Multichannel Engagement: Utilize various channels such as SMS and email to engage members seamlessly, respecting their channel preferences and ensuring a cohesive experience.

5. Elevating Conference Sponsorships:

Personalized Engagement: Steer clear of a one-size-fits-all approach in conference sponsorships. Understand each sponsor's unique goals and objectives for a personalized experience.Value Beyond Logos: Go beyond logo placements; sponsors desire active involvement. Make them part of the conversation, provide tangible value, and involve them in strategic discussions.

6. Evolution in Continuous Engagement:

Sustaining Dialogue: Establish ongoing dialogues with both members and sponsors. Regularly reassess their needs to adapt programs and ensure continued success.Dynamic Reassessment: Continuously revisit conversations with sponsors. Understand changes in their initiatives and audience focus, allowing for dynamic adjustments.

About our panel members:

Amanda Kaiser is a sought-after member engagement strategist. She is the Keynote Speaker & Engagement Strategist at Kaiser Insights LLC and the author of “Elevating Engagement: Uncommon Strategies for Creating a Thriving Member Community”. 

Bruce Rosenthal is the Founder & Convener at Partnership Professionals Network. Bruce is a corporate partnership and sponsorship guru with more than two decades of experience as a strategic advisor, consultant and education for trade and professional associations. 

About our host:

Farhad Khan is a thought leader in membership websites and digital strategies for associations. He is the CEO & Membership Strategist at Grype Digital. He has helped numerous associations automate member engagement and retention over his career of 12+ years.


As you embark on your association's journey, remember that Member Lounge is your steadfast ally, ready to support the implementation of these strategic insights for unparalleled success! 🌐💬 #MemberEngagement #SponsorshipSuccess #AssociationStrategies #LearningPost

Special acknowledgement to our guests for providing powerful insights into membership management. 

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