What would happen if you could double the amount of sales you made - with the same number of leads? What would that mean to you, your family, and your company?

More importantly, what would that mean for your customers?

I used to think that sales was difficult. At times I thought to be successful at sales, I’d have to be pushy or overbearing. However, once I began studying the true nature of sales and understanding that it’s about helping people and adding value to their lives, sales has become something I love to do.

You can improve your ability to influence, persuade and sell - and today I’m going to show you how.

Truth be told, I didn’t invent any of this. This episode features insights from the study and trial and error over the last 22 years. In this episode I reveal a relatively simple multi-step process you can put in place to consistently generate more sales.

You’ve got to understand the sales process before you can be good at it.

Every sales presentation is made up of a number of “sections or steps.”

What are those sections?

The introduction, The Why, The Walk Through, The Price, The Guarantee, Testimonials, and The Ask.

Each step leads the candidate from interest to commitment.

It all starts with great preparation. That means you’ve got to do your homework before you go to the sales appointment. What are the prospect’s needs and desires? What are the risks they’d be taking by using your solution? How can you answer each of those risks effectively and meet their needs and desires?

Doing your homework up front and anticipating their needs will give you a competitive advantage. It gives you the tools to ask the right questions to help get them to like, trust, and respect you - to shift from a sales pest to welcome guest; to position you as a trusted, knowledgeable advisor.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn in this show:

Dan’s welcome to you and the introduction to today’s show; [0:33] The E.L.F. sales approach and how you can model it; [0:42] What IS sales? [1:15] What’s at stake? What would happen if your sales quotient increased? [4:44] 7 Steps to More Sales; The introduction: what is it? [6:16] The Why: Why you are talking to them (preparation is key here); [7:20] The Walk Through: How to walk through your services with a prospect; [12:16] Price: How to position your product and service to be free; [13:30] Guarantee: The way you make it an irresistible offer; [16:07] Testimonials: Social proof to demonstrate your competence; [18:00] Questions: Answering the responses your prospect has; [19:10]


Resources mentioned on this episode:




This show brought to you by Done for You Solutions. Outsourcing doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you’re looking for customer service, optimizing your website, or a virtual assistant to help with reporting, data, or research, Done for You Solutions can help. I’ve used Done for You Solutions for years and they help simplify. Click here to learn more and let the founder Ric Thompson know that you heard about him from our show.

Genius Network is the place high level entrepreneurs go for collaboration, contribution, and connections not available anywhere else. Members get strategies for exponential growth and opportunities for deal making, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and more. Membership is by application only. Click here to learn more. I was one of the original members when Joe started it in 2007 and today I get to help grow the company in my current role. You can also learn more about the Genius Network Annual Event here – which is the one time per year the group is opened to non-members.



People mentioned on this episode:

Dean Graziosi

Brendon Burchard

Frank Kern

Dan Sullivan

Joe Polish

Dan Kennedy

Robert Collier

Michael Fishman





Dan Kuschell is a success driven business growth strategist, a media contributor, and thought leader. He helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners grow and scale their companies 10x by driving the flow of elegant ideas, execution, and team-culture for greater clarity, confidence, and direction. Dan has been recognized worldwide for creating results with his resources, books, and strategies.

Meet Dan at http://www.DanKuschell.com

Get more access to Dan's wisdom here: http://www.youtube.com/ChampionVision

Watch/Listen to the show: http://www.growthtofreedom.com

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