Dan Kuschell is a husband, dad, serial entrepreneur, and angel investor. He runs Breakthrough3X, a company that gives you instant access to a Fractional CMO Team. Breakthrough3X helps founders and CEOs grow their businesses 3 to 10x and generate more clients daily with a simple system that gets them free from the day-to-day. Dan has owned 12 companies since 1992, building multiple businesses with revenues exceeding eight figures before selling. He is also the Host of the Growth to Freedom podcast, where he interviews industry leaders and experts in a variety of fields.

In this episode…

Have you hit a plateau in your business? Do you feel like you’re being held back from achieving your next big business breakthrough? If this sounds like you, it may be time to shift your approach as an entrepreneur. 

After surveying over 4,000 entrepreneurs, Dan Kuschell has discovered the four unexpected obstacles to business success: technology, tactics, strategy, and ideas. So, what can you do to avoid these common pitfalls and start making a real difference in your business? 

In this episode of Growth to Freedom, Dan Kuschell shares the top four challenges that hold business leaders back from success — and how to avoid them. He discusses the value of a principle-based business model, the framework that can eliminate burnout, and the key to achieving your next big breakthrough. Stay tuned.