Nick Santonastasso is a fitness athlete, model, motivational speaker, and the CEO of Raw Mettle Motivations. Nick was diagnosed at birth with Hanhart Syndrome which is an extremely rare genetic disorder that can either leave the baby with undeveloped organs or limbs with only a 30% chance to live. With there only being 12 known cases, and unfortunately 9 of them resulting in death, Nick is forever grateful to be alive and to be able to bring extreme value to others lives.

When Nick was a sophomore in highschool he made the decision to amputate some of his shorter arm so he was able to use it more physically and become a wrestler. With his never give up mindset and extreme work ethic, after being a JV wrestler his junior year, he became the 106lb varsity wrestler of his high school Central Regional in Bayville, NJ.

Ever since the age of 12 Nick has been all over TV including appearances on The Today Show, CNN, and FOX. However when the popular app Vine came out, Nick became an internet sensation with his massively viral zombie pranks that led him to getting hired by FOX International to prank Norman Reedus of The Walking Dead in Tokyo, Japan.


In this episode we dive into gratitude, adapting to the world around you, and not allowing the cards your dealt dictate whether you win at life or not.

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