Dr. Drew (David Drew Pinsky) is a doctor of internal medicine and addiction specialist who became globally recognized through his appearances on Loveline, Celebrity Rehab, Ellen, Oprah, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and much more. 

I was fascinated to hear Dr. Drew's expansive knowledge about history and philosophy, and how he applies it to lead a more fulfilling life. We also dug into human attraction and why we're attracted to certain types of people, attachment theory, how he makes time for self-care and growth, why social contracts like marriage are important, and much more.

This has been one of my favorite episodes to date, and I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.


[01:30] How Dr. Drew started his career in medicine and rose to fame

[13:00] Can introverts become extroverts (and vice versa?)

[20:30] Finding time to learn, and take care of yourself with a busy schedule

[23:00] Stoic philosophy (plus story on how. he got Ryan Holiday started on stoicism)

[26:25] Dr. Drew's current philosophy and how he applies it to his life

[28:45] What Dr. Drew thinks about the cancel culture today

[34:50] Should students still go to college in the future?

[41:00] Can you still be friends with your ex?

[43:30] Are humans closer to bonobos or chimpanzees (aka are we polygamous animals?)

[49:00] Attachment theory

[55:00] What do women find attractive in a man, and what attractive qualities do men look for in women?


Dr. Drew's website: https://drdrew.com
Dr. Drew's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEM8p2TCieVJCbw2-03xpRw
The Partially Examined Life podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/the-partially-examined-life/id318345767
Frederick Douglas biography: https://amzn.to/3h9Y98i
Facing Love Addiction book:  https://amzn.to/2E41uHE

Subscribe to the pod: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/growth-minds/id1482999379

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCagEMDM-X90JiwX3d8jelIg/