At 21 years old, Lexie Alford is the youngest person to travel to every country in the world, and she's got the Guiness World Record to prove it.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with her shortly after she received her official certificate (we get into how the process works). 

We talked about the origins of her travel story, some of the craziest (and dangerous) experiences she's been through, and the insightful travel hacks that took her many years to learn.

I appreciated how open Lexie was about discussing the 'unsexy' parts of travel, like the loneliness she felt, feeling like she was undateable given her hectic travel schedule, and what her relationship with travel is today after traveling to every country in the world.

Grateful to have had her on and to share this knowledge with you all.

As always, please share, rate, and review! <3


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