Naveen Jain is a self-made billionaire entrepreneur, and currently co-founder of Viome. Viome is a health testing company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze an individual's gut biology to gain insights into their health.

In our conversation, we talked about:

The difference between good & great entrepreneurs
Advantages of starting new businesses outside of our expertise
How to dream so big it scares you
How to craft curiosity in yourself and others
Success habits of billionaires
How AI can help us rid chronic illness 
The difference between biological vs. chronological age, and how you can find out yours
& more!

Learn more about Naveen:

Naveen's Website:
Naveen's Twitter:
Naveen's Instagram:


(0:00) Introduction

(6:17) Human survival

(15:21) If curiosity dies, you die

(19:05) Three questions to ask yourself

(31:22) Humility and ambition  

(38:55) Chronological vs. biological age

(42:43) Technology and lifetime

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Past guests on Growth Minds include: Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad), Steve Aoki, Robert Greene, Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Steven Gundry, Neil deGrasse Tyson (StarTalk),  Dennis Rodman, Wim Hof, Robin Sharma, Vanessa Van Edwards, King Bach, Daniel Pink, Dr. William Davis, Doctor Mike, Lewis Howes (School of Greatness), Tom Bilyeu (Impact Theory), Andrew Yang, Dr. Paul Conti, Charles Hoskinson (Ethereum), Dr. Drew (After Dark), Jo Koy, Jordan Belfort (Wolf of Wall Street), Gad Saad, Adam Carolla, Louis the Child, Vishen Lakhiani (Mindvalley), Bret Weinstein (DarkHorse Podcast), James Nestor, Dave Rubin, Scott Adams (Real Coffee with Scott Adams), Dave Asprey (Bulletproof Coffee), Gabby Reece, Rich Roll, James Altucher, R3hab, and more. 

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