Next Episode: Chandler And Candace

Meeting with John and Hailey was a bunch of fun. They are fantastic human beings, and together make a fantastic couple. The day we did this interview was their 3-year anniversary from the day they first met. I don’t think they’ve ever looked back since. The thing that I took away from chatting with these two is the importance that trust and understanding are in a relationship. It’s not true love when you only love the good parts of someone. You have to love them in their entirety… warts and all.And likewise, to be loved, we must be willing to put it all out on the line. If we hold back and hide parts of ourselves from those we love, it’s a sign of distrust. One day I hope to have the type of vulnerability and trust in a relationship that I know John and Hailey have. I admire their bravery, their selflessness, and over all, their love for each other.