What’s the most productive day you’ve had in recent memory? Do you remember it? You woke up, and just SLAYED your to-do list… You got into a rhythm, your energy was high, and everything was just clicking… I had a day like that a few weeks ago. Folded the laundry. Did the dishes. Mopped the floor. Took care of baby. Then I sat down to take a break. I opened my phone, and fell down an internet black hole watching clips of Taskmaster. (Be careful… you could get sucked into that black hole too!) And suddenly, I lost 3 hours. The rest of my day was not productive. I had lost my momentum. I thought about that day a lot. Momentum is powerful. Creating momentum - moving something from standing still to… not standing still - is the hardest part. But once you get it moving, it requires less and less energy to maintain or even build on the momentum. It’s true for physics… And it’s true for other areas of your life too. Think about your marriage for a second. In what areas have you lost momentum around something important? Maybe you’ve lost momentum around date nights, or apologizing, or making out. Maybe you’ve lost some momentum around having meaningful conversations, spending one-on-one time together, or complimenting your partner. Starting up again can feel awkward. But once you build up some momentum, it’s like riding a bike… it all comes back to you and starts to feel easy. Everything changes. But here’s the deal. Creating momentum is EXTRA hard for some people. Because they already have momentum in their relationship. But the momentum is sending them in the opposite direction of where they want to go! Maybe you’ve created momentum around being critical of your partner. Or maybe you find it really easy to complain, or say, “I’m not in the mood,” when they try to initiate sex with you. Maybe you’ve created momentum around watching Netflix every night (guilty), not taking care of your body, or not being honest about the things you’re struggling with. The amount of energy required to stop a moving object is far greater than the amount of energy you need to get something moving from a dead standstill. But it’s possible. Especially if you have some help. And that’s exactly why I created the Epic Wives Experiment. It’s made specifically for wives who know their marriage is headed down the wrong path. They’re feeling lonely, stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted. They don’t feel loved or supported like they used to. And if something doesn’t change, they are scared what will become of their relationship. Our goal is to give you the skills, the tools, and the extra push to completely change the direction you’re headed in. To make 2021 the best year of your marriage ever. If you’re a wife (or you know one), and you want to ensure that you have POSITIVE momentum for your marriage in the coming year, I want to invite you to come participate in this 30-day challenge. If you show up and do the experiments, I PROMISE the momentum of your marriage will shift for the better. If it doesn’t… I’ll give you a refund. Check it out here.