Have you ever meet someone who has such amazing energy that they affect you positively instantly?

Today's guest is one of them. I first meet Peter Gould several years ago in Dubai and his presence, centeredness, humbleness, curiosity, and positive spirit hit me straight away. That he is also a very successful award-winning designer and creative entrepreneur, which came second for me. But I have for a long time been curious to learn more about how he managed to stay so present in his personal encounters and has reached so much professional success at an early age.
Some of it without a doubt comes from his Muslim faith. But these concepts that he draws from his faith are not only applicable if you are Muslim - they are universal and several of them are similar to what many of my other guests also recommend.

In our conversation, we went over different concepts like putting your heart and spirit into your work, how to assess every situation in the right way, and we talk about learning from our mistakes.
Another thing that I think will resonate with all listeners is the argument of the two opposing concepts: What the day wants out of you and the concept of what you want out of the day.

Show Notes

0:30 Introduction to Peter Gould
2:25 Peter’s journey into heartfulness and design
7:14 What are the most notable events in your life that got you where you are at the moment?
9:05 What are the things that you’ve done differently than any other people do?
12:26 What do you want out of the day VS what the day wants out of you
15:24 Embedding your heart in your designs
19:30 Solving more problems when you really give your all
22:13 Putting your heart into your work
25:30 Taking a different meaning of a certain situation
29:30 Assessing your options in business
32:35 Creating opportunities and learning from your mistakes
34:05 Peter’s habits
37:45 Different religious concepts that are gaining traffic lately
41:10 If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself
43:30 Peter’s final advice

Connect with Peter Gould

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/petergouldart
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petergouldart/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/petergouldart
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petergouldart/?originalSubdomain=au

The Heartfulness Way by Kamlesh D. Patel, Joshua Pollock https://books.google.mk/books/about/The_Heartfulness_Way.html?id=jsxaDwAAQBAJ&source=kp_cover&redir_esc=y

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron https://www.amazon.com/Artists-Way-25th-Anniversary/dp/0143129252

Autobiography of a Yogi https://www.amazon.com/Autobiography-Self-Realization-Fellowship-Paramahansa-Yogananda-ebook/dp/B00JW44IAI

Salam Sisters App http://salamsisters.com/

Zileej App Studio http://zileej.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/madsmfriis/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madsmf/

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