Danni Liljekrans is a feedback expert and coach. He started a consultancy called “Bedre Feedback” (Better Feedback) where he helps companies get better at giving feedback. Danni shares some of his strategies and tips for giving and receiving feedback.

Show notes:
1.30: How Danni got into feedback
3.10: Why feedback is important
6.50: How to give good feedback
8.08: What happens in the brain when we receive feedback
9.15: The Burger Model and whether to use it or not
11.10: The model Danni use for giving feedback
12.20: Why it can be so hard to receive feedback
12.42: How to receive feedback
13.50: Why you should not get feedback from everyone
14.54: The 3 different ways we reject feedback
17.30: The five steps when giving feedback
19.00: Giving feedback to emotional people
25.00: Receiving feedback in a good manner
25.50: The 3 buckets of feedback
27.10: Giving feedback in a difficult co-founder relationship
29.48: How to give a boss feedback
31.15: What to do when you ask for feedback and don´t receive it
33.00: How to give your spouse good feedback
36.50: Who Danni gets inspired by
37.50: How to get help with feedback

Final recommendations from Danni:
More than half of us believe we are better than average which is theoretically impossible. We have a tendency to overestimate our self. When doing personal development: Ask what is one thing I don´t know about myself. Ask people around yourself about feedback on that subject. Be curious about yourself.

Links to selected resources:

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