Hiring the right people for your brand can be tough, and that’s true for both eCommerce businesses and agencies. In this episode, Scott & Ray discuss one of the tricky aspects of scaling your business - hiring the right talent to help you scale to the moon! 

This episode delves into how Right Hook attracts and finds high-performing talent, what the onboarding process looks like for those applying, and the filters and processes put in place to ensure that they are the right fit for our team. 

Scott & Ray also discuss how the marketing funnel can also be adapted into talent acquisition - hint: it’s all about being involved and assessing every single step of your hiring process to field the strongest prospects. We hope you find your marketing team’s A-Players after listening to this episode! 

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Full episode transcript & chapter markers for this episode are available on the Growth & Greatness eCommerce Podcast Buzzsprout page!