Ty Crandall is an internationally known speaker, author, pod show host, and business credit expert.   With over 16 years of financial experience Ty is recognized as an authority in business credit building, business credit scoring, and business credit repair.  Ty is the author of two popular books on credit named Perfect Credit and Business Credit Decoded.  He is often interviewed on radio and news shows, TV programs, and magazines including Entrepreneur and Inc.  Ty currently serves as the CEO at Credit Suite where he has helped create and grow one of the biggest and most credible business coaching operations in the United States.   

During our interview:

- We talk about why he started his Credit Suite business

- Ty shares his #1 strategy that he uses for getting new clients for his business.

- Ty shares why he thinks its so important to diversify the strategies and channels you use to generate new leads.

- We talk about what TY would do differently if he could start his business all over.

- Then Ty shares the BEST way for small business owners and entrepreneurs to use credit to grow their businesses.

- Ty shares the biggest mistakes he sees business owners making when it comes to business credit.

- Ty shares the top 3 credit reporting agencies for businesses.

- We then why its easier to build business credit than personal credit.

- Ty shares his favorite growth tool/software.

- Plus Ty recommends one of his favorite books for you to check out.

Ty's websites:


