Dane Maxwell has started 16 business and failed at 11 times. Each time he learned, figured out what worked and what didn't and has started 5 successful profitable businesses including The Foundation that specializes in training people to start a business from scratch.  He has gone on to create over 15 millionaires with his teachings. He specializes in helping underdogs start successful businesses. 

During our interview we discuss:

- We talk about Dane's new book, Start From Zero and why he decided to write it.

- Why Dane thinks everyone should try entrepreneurship for at least 90 days.

- He shares why you don't want to take advice from 95 out of 100 entrepreneurs.

- Why focusing on the "mechanism" is the wrong way to start and grow a successful business.

- Dane shares a special gift for all the listeners of Growth Experts. www.startfromzero.com/growth

- He shares his cardinal rule for business.

- Dane unpacks the framework of how to build a lucrative business with no idea, expertise or money.

- We talk about the 4 different brains of successful entrepreneurs.

- He talks about what he calls BDA marketing and why it is such a powerful foundation of starting a successful business.

- He talks about the importance of not trying to change a buyers behavior.

- We talk about his "customer, pain, solution...offer" framework.

- Dane shares is favorite growth tool.

- He recommends one of his favorite books to the audience.

Dane's websites:

Free Download- 7 Days to 7 Business Ideas

Pre-order Start From Zero Book



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