A lot of weed and mushrooms were consumed during this episode... as they usually are.
The kids are graced by McKenna Jarrell. McKenna talks about her travels to Idaho, and now living in Long Beach. We discuss naked people, the movie “Midsommar,” cults, The Rolling Stones, music, McKenna’s favorite bands, and her teaching music as a job. Who has a bigger package? George Michael or Tommy Lee? Santa Monica College, McKenna’s start in comedy, and doing improv vs standup. Naked people... with weapons. The Bloodhound Gang, Weird Al Yankovich, back pain, fentanyl in cocaine (get testing kits). Alex talks about his wild friends who had wild deaths. Concussion Confidential. McKenna shares DM’s of people’s fainting stories. Heroin, and the feeling on and off of it. Creepy guys and fapping. Kenan and Alex talk a little about their Kansas trip, but save the other stories from the trip for another episode. McKenna was so too high to do the “Top 5” segment of the show. Oops. Now go to work.


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