If you’re a financial advisor looking for tips, strategies, and insights that will help you strengthen your relationships with your clients and grow your practice, this is the podcast for you. I'm Pawel Brzeminski, the Founder and CEO of Snap Projections. In this podcast, I’ll be interviewing experts in the industry whose experience and insights can help you improve your own financial advisory practice. New episodes will drop every two weeks.

To get the podcast started, I’ll be doing a special series of interviews with John Page of Wealth Enhancement Academy, and Chairman and Chief Adjudicator of the PlanPlus Global Financial Planning Awards. Over the course of five episodes, we’ll be delving into the broad topic of transitioning from a product-centric practice into an advice-centric practice.

Tune into to this episode to hear a sneak peak of my first interview with John Page. Subscribe on iTunes to make sure that you don’t miss the rest of the series, and make sure to share this podcast with a friend!