Next Episode: Be a Hero

In this episode, Robert talks about how we tend to confuse customers and how we can remedy that.

Consumers nowadays are overwhelmed with choices – we see this in shopping centers where we can choose between 15 different kinds of soaps, or on Netflix where there are thousands of shows. This means a company has to be aggressive in their marketing just to stand out.

Robert tells us that besides being aggressive with our marketing, we should be telling our prospects what they should be doing. At every touchpoint, we need to be narrowing down our prospects’ choices. We get to hear about the principles of sales funnels – both offline and online.

Be patient. In B2B, it takes time to develop customers.


“If you think you can sit back and be stuffy and all professional without aggressively going after prospects, you’re not going to last in today’s market.”“You should be relentless in your follow-up, your psychology in dealing with prospects, and constantly moving things forward – and don’t be afraid to contact a prospect too often.”“Whatever rate you think you need to be contacting them, it probably has to be double or triple that.”“It doesn’t matter if you’re aggressive and a great marketer, if you’re not giving them an action and a reason to move forward and telling them exactly what they need to do, and getting them to do it, you’re going to fail.”“Everybody wants us to be formal and fancy with big words. No, you need to speak in English – on your website, over the phone, and any way you’re communicating with your customers.”