Like a lot of young salespeople and marketers, I have tried several different approaches which seemed like good ideas at the time. A mentor once reminded me of something he used to say often which was, “everything works sometimes”. What he meant by that was that no matter what marketing technique you use, you are likely to have some level of success. The real question that you should be asking at that point is, is that repeatable consistently, and does the cost justify the investment, what kind of ROI are you getting for your money, and are there better uses for that money.

You simply can’t make an assumption based on a small sample in a short period of time. My business partner at SalesDouble used to say, “even a dog with a note in his mouth would get some sales” which goes back to “the everything works sometimes” concept. You have to give a marketing campaign or sales a process enough time to get to critical mass and start bringing in clients consistently.

Just because you hit a sale right out of the gate, means nothing. It’s like going to Vegas and putting a nickel in the slots and you win big. What do most people do, they take that money and throw it right back in with no results. Professional gamblers know the only way to win is to play consistently over a long period of time as the house’s edge get’s much smaller over time.

Another pitfall to avoid is changing more than one variable in the campaign or strategy. Even with a large enough sample size, you won’t know what the real change was that increased results. Then you have to test the two variables again. I’m a very analytical person by nature, so this makes sense to me. Over a larger period of time, like a year, you will see what variables are increasing results, keep them in the campaign and dump the others.

When applying this concept to your business, I would recommend you try multiple marketing campaigns and methods and judge them overtime in isolation. When something fails over time, don’t get discouraged as that means you have figured out another way NOT to increase results, and eventually you will be left with only techniques in your campaigns that yield the best results.

Listen to the whole episode or read the transcript for a more in depth explanation of these concepts.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

“Even a dog with a note in his mouth will eventually get a sale.”Campaigns and Marketing techniques must be evaluated over a substantial period of timeDon’t change more than one variable at a time when evaluating a campaign.

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

