I want to talk about an uncomfortable topic for me personally, but all entrepreneurs, salespeople, and anyone with success in their life faces it on a daily basis. That topic is becoming the person you need to be to achieve your goals.

When I say this is an uncomfortable topic for me, I mean it has been quite a journey, and I’m not proud of my lack of growth over periods in my life. 

I went to the Tony Robbins Business Mastery a few years ago - which I believe every business owner should attend. One of the themes that Tony and other speakers hit on time and time again, was that 80% of business success is mental, and the other 20% is tactical or the mechanics.

The more I have looked over my business in the last 20+ years, the more I realized that this was true. Unfortunately, in looking back over the years, at times lost focus on growing, and just cruised through life. This directly affected my business. When you stop challenging yourself and stop learning, you tend to do what you have always done and not grow as a person.

If you are not growing by constantly trying new things and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, your business will most likely not move forward. 

It took the passing of my business partner and being forced to change and grow into my new role and skillset to really change the business. I went from doing things that were comfortable and easy for me to managing sales people, being in charge of marketing, and managing our current clients in addition to my other areas of responsibility.

I’ve realized over the past few years that the reason our company wasn’t growing was because I wasn’t growing and putting myself in uncomfortable situations. 

So why is personal growth so important and why does it affect your company? I think the perfect example is lottery winners. I’ve forgotten the exact percentage, but statistically the vast majority of lottery winners who win a substantial amount, like a million or more, are either broke or bankrupt within 2 years of getting the money. The reason they go broke so quickly is because they did not grow as a person who can handle that kind of money.

As I have pushed myself to do new things like get on video, record this podcast, work on blog content, and become the public face of our company, I have realized how much further I have to grow as a person to make my company grow. If somebody handed us an account of $10mm dollars, we as a company couldn’t handle it - and the primary reason is because of me. I now understand that if I want the income and growth of the company that I desire, I am going to have to continue to learn and change.

Although this topic is not specifically for B2B small business owners, I think it is critical in our businesses. You may be able to get away with some mediocre growth in B2C because of the sophistication of the average customer, but in B2B, you are going to be dealing with high level professionals and business owners, and that takes a skillset that you aren’t born with and requires you become the person your business needs to grow.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

80% of business is between your ears.Your growth as an individual is directly proportional to the growth of your business.Getting out of your comfort zone is critical for both you and your business.

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at http://www.growyourb2bcompany.com.

Website: https://www.salesdouble.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YourSalesDouble