I have been highlighting the farms and people that have helped me get a start with my farm this year. After all, I have a lot to thank them for. As I listened back through some of the episodes recently I noticed a glaring omission. Kate!

My wife, Kate, is the reason I am able to do what I am able to do. Even as I write this she is watching our daughter Mabel so I have some time at the computer. She's an incredible person, and this relationship would be nothing without her.

Whether it is your wife, your partner, your co-workers, your volunteers, your CSA members, or your friends, there are a lot of relationships that surround a farm. Maintaining and working at those relationships will be the key to your success.

I have said it many times, you cannot farm alone. Well, you can, it just stinks. You are going to want people around you, and if you want to be productive and successful there are certain things you have to do to keep them happy, as well as keep yourself happy.

On today's episode Kate and I talk about some of the things we do to help keep our relationship healthy. After almost 10 years of being together, 3 of them married, we have put our relationship through just about every test you can imagine. We have come through all of them stronger and closer and we now share that with our daughter.

Today's farm podcast is from the heart, with a practical message. I hope you enjoy and thank you for listening.

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In this farm podcast you will learn: The benefits of good communication How the company you keep defines you More back-story on the FoodCyclist family The difficulties with decision making and following your gut Best practices for best relationships Interview with Kate Suscovich:

My family has been the most important element of starting my farm. My wife Kate the most important and influential of all. I run decisions, ideas, thoughts, concerns, pretty much everything by her. Our relationship has developed and grown a lot over the years and we are happy that we are now growing our family and a new generation of farmer.

Kate holds a Masters of Education and work at a school in town. She is an amazing mother, fantastic support for me, and a great friend to anyone she meets.

Items mentioned in this farm podcast include: FoodCyclist.com Take aways:

What can you be doing to better communicate at home and at work (if those two places are not the same)?

Is there someone in life that causes drama, frustration, or unrest? Can you start to phase them out of your life in exchange for someone that is going to enrich your life?


My skills are ever-evolving as an interviewer. Thanks for taking the time to listen in, and let me know what you think. You can leave a comment below, send me an e-mail, reach me on Facebook or Twitter, or leave a 5 star rating in iTunes if you liked the show.

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