I had a hard time with the title of this podcast because I couldn't decided whether I should write that I have big news AND the Grass Whisperer came to visit my farm, or it IS the big news that the Grass Whisperer came to my farm. It was a tough call because it sure was great having Troy on my farm.

There was a bunch of big news preceding the interview with Troy Bishopp the Grass Whisperer. The first is that I got a job. That's right, I took a job, and I am super excited about it. I am going to be the a farm manager and operations director for a farm that is starting a brewery and distillery in addition to their pastured egg operation.

Over the next month I will be moving my entire farm operation to their land where I can run my chickens and fulfill my work obligations to the new farm at the same time. Sure it is going to be a lot of work making the transition, but I will manage.

I just love that I can keep my business and make some extra money on the side. Takes a little pressure off me, and I really think it is a match made in heaven with this farm.

Farm podcast every other week!

That's right, I am scaling back. I am finding the farm, the baby coming, and the new job to be a lot of work (who knew?) Since the podcast is currently not generating any revenue, and it takes me a lot of time to put it together only to give it out for free, I am going to start putting up episodes every other Tuesday.

This will break a few hearts, and completely not effect others. I love doing the show, and I will always continue, but I think for the time being less is more. Besides, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get guests as they are all out in the fields working.

Right click here to download the MP3

In this farm podcast you will learn: Grazing cattle for other farmers What is a "grass backgrounder"? What type of electric fence charger you should be using. Putting together a grazing management plan. The importance of writing things down. Planning for fun. Interview with Troy Bishopp The Grass Whisperer

It was an absolute pleasure having Troy come down for two days. I was really sick those days and was still going to do all the chicken chores, but The Grass Whisperer was in town.

I learned a lot from having Troy on the farm. I hope he picked up a thing or two from me ass well.

Here's an excerp from his page.

Welcome Consumers and Friends of Grass-Based Agriculture.  This little farmer friendly website is an extension of the passion we feel for pastures.

It is brought to you by a 5th generation family farm with "roots" firmly planted in sustainable agriculture and a committment towards showing what CAN be done. Our farm family goal guides decisions:  We strive for a stress-free life. We want our topsoil covered by diverse pastures harvested by animals, thus recycling solar energy and activating biological life to provide a sustainable profit. We want to regenerate our community with local food. We want to create a savannah for wildlife. We want to create a place for the next generation to thrive.

The writings, speeches, pictures and meat produced around this foundation of keeping the land covered with forage and speaking up for agriculutre is a tribute to our ancestor's hard work and compassion for the people of our community.  We are excited about promoting a"Sunshine in every Bite" campaign that will spur everyone to appreciate the financial, environmental and social benefits of a tasty pasture-based system while growing new farm families.  Your comments are welcome.

Items mentioned in this podcast include: The Grass Whisperer On Pasture Holistic Management Internatinal FoodCyclist Farm Food Cycle Farm Lancaster Farming Madison County Soil & Water Conservation District Central New York Resource Conservation and Development Grazing Charts Upper Susquehanna Coalition AG Team Savory Institute SARE, Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Take aways:

Are you planning fun into your farm plan?

Are you keeping records and making projections so that someone else can help out if something happens to you?


My skills are ever-evolving as an interviewer. Thanks for taking the time to listen in, and let me know what you think. You can leave a comment below, send me an e-mail, reach me on Facebook or Twitter, or leave a 5 star rating in iTunes if you liked the show.

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