Dan from autoflower.net and Mandalorian Genetics joins the podcast to talk about his long awaited release of strains, and what he's excited about with autoflower.net. Dan discusses his process of carefully stabilizing and then releasing his new line, and discusses some of the unique attributes that his line possesses. Then the conversation turns towards the evolution of autoflowers, the misconceptions that some people still hold, and the bright and lucrative future of refining and growing autoflower cannabis. Dan talks about his Anvil line, and it's ability to feed heavily even though it carries autoflower traits. He also discusses his popular Alf strain, and some of the work he's currently developing. You can find Mandalorian Genetics at DC Seed Exchange, and make sure to check out autoflower.net to see the amazing community that Dan is building.

---Today's sponsor is Danny Danko and his new book "A Beginner's Guide to Growing Marijuana," a powerful read for any grower! Visit growcastpodcast.com/danko to get a copy, and mygrowpass.com members get their copies signed when they notify us of purchase!---

---Today's sponsor is harvestmutualseedbank.com check out their amazing seed selection! Promo code growcast gets you free shipping, and members of mygrowpass.com get 10% off their seeds and free shipping! harvestmutualseedbank.com--