Long time successful cannabis grower Jota Herb from the popular @jotaherb Instagram is on the line to discuss his recent studies in KNF, organic growing, and more. Jota talks about the natural farming courses he has been immersing himself in lately, and gives the audience some great advice when it comes to fermented inputs, indigenous micro organism inputs and more. He discusses his transition from a synthetic grow setup to an organic one, and the many differences hes observed since making the switch. Then Jota brings up the topic of grow spaces, and shares some of his best strategies for maximizing ones grow space, and getting the most out of their cultivation routine. Jota rounds out the show by discussing different strains and breeders having tried many many lines in him time, and he teases a third upcoming GrowCast appearance surrounding the topic of genetics.

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---Today's partner is harvestmutualseedbank.com for all your genetic needs, get free shipping with promo code GROWCAST and when you're ready to save 10% on seeds plus free shipping join mygrowpass.com---