Dr. Coco from cocoforcannabis.com is on the line to discuss all things VPD and climate! He begins by defining vapor pressure deficit in technical terms, and then helps us better understand how it actually plays out in our grows. Dr. Coco stresses the importance of figuring out your grow and dialing in your temperature first, and then trying to work your humidity levels around that base. He also discusses the importance of not letting your temperature and humidity get too off track in their own right, and just because your VPD is in an optimal zone, doesn't mean your plants aren't still suffering from a sub optimal climate. Dr. Coco goes on to extrapolate on the relationship between VPD and nutrient uptake, and how you should be adjusting the EC of your feed accordingly. Dr. Coco also shares some general strategies and rules of thumb when it comes to understanding and mastering the climate in our cultivation rooms. You can find out more about Dr. Coco, the new years grow challenge, and more by visiting cocoforcannabis.com today!

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